Joburg Mayor visits the site where police officers were attacked in Joburg CBD

JOHANNESBURG – Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Herman Mashaba, condemned the attack on police.

Johannesburg Mayor, Herman Mashaba, together with the MMC for Public Safety, Michael Sun, visited the site where the clash between the police and the alleged foreign nationals broke out yesterday afternoon, 1 August, in Joburg’s CBD.

The police were attacked with objects including bricks and petrol bombs by a crowd of people. The police had been conducting an operation on the trading of counterfeit goods.

The Mayor said he decided to visit the place to engage with the community to ascertain what caused the riot.

“With what happened, I needed to come and see what really transpired and engage the community to see exactly what happened,” said Mashaba.

“I cannot accept to see our law enforcement agencies being attacked in that manner. It is totally unacceptable. One needs to go behind to understand what actually happened. The attack on our law enforcement agencies is unacceptable.” 

Mashaba has called on the South African Police Services (SAPS) to expedite the investigation to establish what happened on the day of the incident. He added that the people behind the attack on police should be brought to book.

MMC Sun has sent a strong warning to the people who attacked the police.

“We condemn strongly this violence. We certainly urge the local community to help us and the police to arrest those criminals that were behaving in such a chaotic state by attacking the police officers,” said Sun.


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