67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela are on a mission

PARKVIEW – A park filled with colour could be observed by motorists and residents passing by Zoo Lake during 67 Blankets' secret mission.


If residents or motorists passing by Zoo Lake in Parkview on 9 July wondered what all the colour on the trees and poles was all about, well, it was the sixth annual Secret Scarf Mission. The nationwide initiative by 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day was not just at Zoo Lake but also in other parts of the region including Norwood.

KnitWits for Madiba around the country spend months knitting and crocheting beautiful scarves to distribute by draping them around trees and poles all around South Africa.

According to the founder of 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day, Carolyn Steyn, the initiative is no longer secret as people expect it every once a year. “At the same time (3pm) across all our distribution regions, we create a winter wonderland, stitch by stitch, with colour and warmth. Every scarf that’s hung on a tree has a love note attached to it reading, ‘I am not lost, if you are cold and need me, please take me’,” said Steyn.

67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela founder, Carolyn Steyn gets set to throw some scarves onto a tree. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

She said people would then drift into the park on their way to the bus stop or going home and would stumble across the transformed park.

“Some people wonder what the catch is, but there is no catch, it’s for free! We are doing this to keep Madiba’s legacy alive. It raises awareness of 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day with more people joining the movement,” Steyn said.

Headmistress at Reshomile Primary School in Diepsloot, Deidrey Xulu, who also crochets for the initiative, said they have been working with the 67 Blankets group since 2014 and have been receiving blankets for their learners. “During winter, most of the learners don’t have anything to keep them warm. Last year we received more than 700 scarves. In whatever we do, I always involve the community and this year I have received more than 100 blankets for the ‘oldies’ in the community,” Xulu said.

Alexander James, Vikani James, Caitlyn Scholtz and Kianga Van Oerle help out with hanging the 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela scarves at Zoo Lake. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

She added that there’s a lot more that they get from 67 Blankets with some learners getting bursaries, food parcels and Christmas presents.

Jonathan and Bronwyn Butt with Michael de Pinna play their part for the Secret Scarf Mission at Zoo Lake. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Steyn said that the initiative started as a challenge from Nelson Mandela’s assistant in 2014. Steyn proceeded to post the challenge onto social media and it ‘exploded’ into a movement for good change. The founder said the initiative is mainly about blankets and they have handed out thousands of blankets so far this winter as they make every day a Mandela Day.

Colleen Teklenburg and Bridget Van Oerle put up the blue scarves. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Therefore, their Secret Scarf Mission is more like a ‘holiday’ as they rest from knitting and crocheting something as big as blankets.

About a thousand scarves were distributed at Zoo Lake with thousands more at the other places.

Moeketsi Thipenyane, Mandla Mkhize, Ishmael Mathe and Jarryd Simpson want everyone to feel warm with these free scarves. Photo: Naidine Sibanda


Riaan Beetge and Sharon Barkhuizen tie their scarves onto the street pole on Jan Smuts Avenue. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Details: 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day www.67blankets.co.za

Some beneficiaries of 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela services from Diepsloot, Velly Matsebatlela, Lina Madela and Reshomile Primary School headmistress, Deidrey Xulu. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Doing some charity work for the community, invite us by email to naidines@caxton.co.za

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