Adventure Boot Camp Illovo and Norwood continues to empower women

NORWOOD – The Adventure Boot Camp Illovo and Norwood continues to empower the less fortunate women of various communities.

Eight years on and the Adventure Boot Camp Illovo and Norwood is still snowballing and continues to put smiles on the faces of the less fortunate women of various communities.

Since its inception, the initiative has made donations to various charities such as Cansa which received R58 000 in 2011 and Cansa and CHOC received R43 000 and R62 000 respectively in 2012. In 2013, Usindiso Ministries received R42 000 and in 2014, R50 700 went to Impilo Child Protection and Adoption Services.

In 2015, R60 400 went to the JHB Children’s Home, in 2017, R90 000 was donated to Frida Hartley Shelter for Destitute Women and Children, and last year, R47 000 was donated to the Princess Alice Adoption Home, making a total of more than R450 000 in the past eight years.

“Each year, I put together a very tough power challenge for my campers which they have a month to train for during their boot camp classes, and leading up to the challenge, they then go out and seek sponsors to support the challenge and complete it.

“This year we decided to raise funds again for the Frida Hartley Shelter for Destitute Women and Children,” said franchise owner and trainer of Adventure Boot Camp Illovo and Norwood, Michelle Rozowsky.

“We don’t normally choose a charity that we have raised funds for before in the past, but we really love the work that Frida Hartley does and hence we made an exception.”

The boot camp is purely for women and it stands for women empowerment and so the shelter very much symbolises the core values of what the boot camp stands for, Rozowsky added.

“This year through the Power Charity Challenge 2019 which took place at boot camp on 1 July, we managed to raise a record breaking R93 110 for the shelter but a further R2 000 came in after we had done the handover.

“I am truly blessed to be in a position to provide a platform to empower my boot camp ladies to achieve such an incredible thing. I simply set the challenge and guide them to be fit enough and strong enough to perform it on the day. But they are the ones that go out with passion and purpose to make this happen.

“We could never achieve this individually but as a team, we are a power house. I am so grateful to have such a group of amazing women that inspire me on a daily basis.”

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