Sergeant Rikhotso embraces the challenges and joys of working at Parkview Police Station

PARKVIEW – Sergeant Rikhotso considers the Parkview Police Station as his second home.


Relief commander/Client Service Centre commander Sergeant Siza David Rikhotso says he loves working at the Parkview Police Station, which he considers his second home.

“Being a relief commander is like being a parent. Everyone is looking up to you. I am like a father who makes sure everyone is at work, behaving as expected and I monitor administrative duties,” said Rikhotso.

He has worked at the Parkview Police Station for the past 16 years, seven of which were in a role as sector manager.

“I like interacting with people. I love seeing people going home happy. I love my job and the challenges I face on a daily basis. I’m not scared of any challenge.”

Rikhotso explained that dealing with different characters at the police station is the most challenging aspect of his work, but he embraces the challenge.

He encourages the local community to work with police to see crime drop in the suburb.

“We need the Parkview community to take us seriously as police officers who give them good service. We expect their cooperation as they work with us to register crime.

“It is sometimes difficult to go into the community because it doesn’t ring in their minds that we are looking after them. The community must know that whenever they see the police, they must respect and support us because we are there for them.”

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