Polar Bear Swim brings JGPS and Roedean girls together

HOUGHTON – Two girls' schools partnered for a swimming initiative with all raised funds going towards a learn-to-swim programme at one of the partners.

The annual Polar Bear Swim at Roedean School (SA) transpired smoothly with a little sunshine to warm-up the participants after they got out of the pool. Organiser and co-ordinator of the event, Charlotte Hulley said the Roedean initiative was well received with junior and senior school participants as well as parents being a part of it.

“The school governing body has also bought into the project which relies on funding. The Johannesburg Girls Preparatory School (JGPS) learners are also participating and all the funds raised will go to their learn-to-swim programme,” said Hulley.

She added that they had also partnered with JGPS in other literacy initiatives.

The Johannesburg Girls Preparatory School participants in the Polar Bear Swim take a hot-chocolate break. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Learn-to-swim co-ordinator from JGPS, Letticia Mmushi said she started the learn-to-swim programme in 2010 with Swimming South Africa and worked with Houghton Primary School from 2012 to 2015. The Houghton School project was also funded by Roedean for eight years and had been successful to the extent that Houghton Primary School was currently independently funding themselves for the programme.

Mmushi said, “The programme helps girls with no swimming background a lot. Most of them now come for afternoon lessons and their skills have improved as shown by their participation in the water polo although the Polar Bear Swim is new to them.”

Roedean School swimmers Clair Hinds, Francesca de Villiers and Rachel Bass at the Polar Bear Swim. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

She added that their training takes place during summer from September until March.

The 2019 swimming captain at Roedean, Tamara Bromley, said she had been participating in and supporting her co-swimmers since Grade 9. Bromley said it was exciting to see the girls enjoying themselves and taking a break during mid-exams with parents joining them. “My father joined me today and it’s just great because we all work as a community,” Bromley said.

Details: Roedean School SA 011 647 3200.

Have any upcoming school events? Email naidines@caxton.co.za with an invite.

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