Parkview resident has been missing for three weeks now

PARKVIEW – Community members, the Parkview Community Policing Forum and friends gathered at the Parkview Police Station to seek answers.


It’s about three weeks since Wayne Smith was reported missing. The Parkview resident was last seen on 12 June in Rosebank, where he works.

In a previous story, the Rosebank Killarney Gazette named the missing resident as Wayne Johnson. He, in fact, goes by the name, Wayne Smith.

In an attempt to get some answers, his friend, Gerda Muller, organised a rally outside the Parkview Police Station, and other friends and interested community members joined in. Captain Sifiso Mabizela from Parkview Police Station said the Parkview Community Policing Forum members were present as well.

After three weeks, Parkview resident Wayne Smith is still missing. Photo: Supplied

The rally was held last Saturday morning, 29 June, with over 20 people in attendance. The crowd had many unanswered questions after hearing that a suspect had allegedly been arrested and released.

Mabizela said, “The suspect handed himself over after being sought by the police for a while and was arrested for [suspected] kidnapping and hijacking as he was found to have been using the missing person’s sim card, pretending to be him. The missing person’s car was not found,” Mabizela explained.

The suspect allegedly texted Smith’s family and friends.

Mabizela added that the suspect was taken to court and all procedures were observed, which included Section 205 of the Criminal Procedure Act. In summary, the act needs to first be applied for, in order to obtain information from the mobile device that was found in the suspect’s possession.

Friends and community members gather outside Parkview police to seek answers regarding Wayne Smith’s case. Photo: Supplied

Therefore, the suspect was released until the application is successful. Mabizela therefore pleaded with the community to understand that due procedures still have to be followed and they are counting on the community, media and other groups to make strides in the investigation to find Smith as well as to recover his car, which is a silver Renault Clio 2018 HJ07RG GP.

Husband of Wayne, Charl Smith, confirmed that the police are following all the leads they have and they all hope something tangible will come out of it soon.

After three weeks, Parkview resident Wayne Smith is still missing. Photo: Supplied

Anyone with information may contact Parkview police’s Constable Moilwa on 011 067 6000; the Pink Ladies on 072 214 7439 and Charl Smith on 072 132 9481.

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