
St John’s learner excels at international history and geography competition

HOUGHTON – St John's learner Ydhan Naidoo made his school proud at the International History and Geography Bee and Bowl European Division Championships in France.

Ydhan Naidoo of St John’s College performed well at the International History and Geography Bee and Bowl European Division Championships in France recently.

The championships took place over three days with almost 100 students from Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Qatar and Israel participating.

In a side event hosted at the Palace of Versaille Gardens on the first day of the competition, Ydhan made it through to the finals of the History Bee of Versailles, achieving a bronze medal and recognition as the first person from Africa to be awarded a medal in the history of the competition.

Ydhan Naidoo (right) of St John’s College was the first person from Africa to receive a medal at the History Bee of Versailles competition. Photo: Supplied

Ydhan said, “I was enthralled at the idea of taking a quiz about France in what had been the great hall of French art and architecture. I scored a bronze medal in the quiz and felt thrilled at taking on my French peers in this first friendly quiz on their home ground. I learned a lot about European culture on this trip and most special to me is that I hope I have forged lifelong friendships with people from around the world who share my love for history and geography.”

Ydhan joined the junior varsity division at the International History and Geography Bee (individual) and Bowl (team) Championships.

“Making it to the Geography and History Bee All Europe final rounds in the preliminary heats was fun but quick-paced and intense with many questions.”

He emerged with a silver medal and shield for the Geography Junior Varsity European Bee and a shield for fifth place overall in the Junior Varsity European History Bee.

In the European History Bowl team-based events, Ydhan made it to the top six and exited the playoff round against the five-member French champions in an exciting playoff.

“My greatest challenge was the preliminary rounds of the history bowl. As this was a team competition, I was literally outnumbered in every round and really felt the pressure to perform as the only South African on the team. I felt very appreciative of my teachers who helped me so much on this incredible journey and my friends back home who were supporting me.”

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