
Police arrest suspect for attempted hijacking in Benrose

BENROSE – Suspect arrested for attempted hijack in Benrose.

The police arrested a suspect for the possession of an unlicensed firearm and attempted hijacking in Benrose.

According to Metro police chief David Tembe, Integrated Intelligent Operation Centre (IOC) Reaction Unit officers were patrolling when they saw a suspicious looking vehicle on the side of the road at the intersection of Main Reef and New Goch roads.

“They approached the vehicle and asked the driver what was happening. The officers immediately noticed that the passenger had a firearm. The driver, the passenger, and the vehicle were searched,” said Tembe.

“The passenger was then interviewed and he disclosed that he was attempting to hijack a Taxify driver. The suspect was arrested and detained at Jeppe Saps and the firearm, an unlicensed Arcus 9mm pistol with the serial number filed off, was booked in at Sap13.”

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