Yeoville community protest against police

YEOVILLE – The shot suspect was killed for performing a customary ritual for his murdered brother.

The recent shooting of a gun-wielding suspect by the police in Yeoville has led to a huge stand-off between residents and the local police.

On 20 May, residents staged an ‘illegal’ protest outside the Yeoville Police Station and delivered a list detailing their demands, after a man was shot and killed by the police.

According to the spokesperson for the police, Captain Sfiso Mabizela, police responded to the sound of gunshots not far from the station. When they arrived on the scene, Mabizela said they noticed a man carrying a firearm. The police ordered him to surrender the weapon, intending to arrest him for unlawful discharge of a firearm in a public space.

“Instead, he responded by firing at the officers and a mirror of a marked state vehicle, and they [police] instantly responded by firing back, leading to the suspect being shot in the left armpit and stomach.

“The police called for medical attention, but members of the community started attacking them with bricks, which caused a stir and prevented the ambulance from reaching the scene on time. Paramedics later declared the suspect dead.”

It is believed that the gunman was performing the ritual of ‘fetching the spirit’, and the shooting was a way of paying his respects to his recently-murdered brother.

The shooting led to a protest, where, according to Mabizela, residents wanted the police involved in the death of the suspect suspended until the completion of the case.

Mabizela has warned the public, saying that no person, not even a police officer, is allowed to fire a gun in a public place without just cause. He also castigated the residents.

“Firstly, the protest was illegal…but we allowed that opportunity [due to circumstances], however, in future we will leave it in the hands of the Public Order Police Unit to deal with illegal protests.

“Only one suspect was arrested for hijacking, and other arrests are imminent as the police await video footage and complainants to either open cases or point out the perpetrators,” concluded Mabizela.

Police informed protest leaders that a community meeting would be called to address some of the issues raised, through their Community Police Forum and other community structures.

Details: Yeoville Police Station 011 481 0300.

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