Parktown girls learn a lot from cross-country camp #SchoolSport

PARKTOWN – The Parktown girls closed off the first term of school with some cross-country camp activities at the school with various specialists coming in to share in the activities during the time.

The cross-country girls at Parktown High School for Girls ended their term’s preseason training with a cross-country camp.

The camp started on the day school term ended. Teacher at the school in charge of cross-country, Janine Hayter said they went out for a gentle warm-up run, followed by an orienteering race on the school property. “Janine Kinsey, a runner, and biokineticist gave up her personal time to come and give the girls a session on the importance of biomechanics and strength work in running in the early evening. This was followed by a delicious supper made by one of our cross-country moms, Mandy McMaster,” said Hayter.

The Parktown girls share their excitement as they get on board for their cross-country camp. Photo: Supplied

She added that Saturday morning started with a 5.30am wake-up call to hit the tar for a 10km run which was followed by breakfast and a swim. Tamara Macmillan who is a physiotherapist (and also a previous head girl of Parktown High School for Girls) came through around mid-morning to do stretching and physio exercises with the girls. Afterwards, she assessed their running gaits and handed out some wise advice on shoes.

Michelle Mee, a cross-country champ at Randburg Harriers who represents Gauteng, took the girls for a technical training session working on technique and speed.

“Our last two cross country captains. Rachel Kiggell and Tasneem Kharva popped in to lend a hand and visit the girls,” Hayter said.

“We are extremely grateful to Ken MacArthur [a previous parent and experienced runner] who still stays involved with the coaching of the girls’ running. He gives up a lot of his time to run with us and impart his knowledge and wisdom to the girls. Miss Rood and Miss van Eyk joined us for part of the camp and we are extremely grateful to them for all their time and effort.”

The girls do some stretching and physio exercises at cross-country camp. Photo: Supplied

She added that a successful camp with a variety of activities meant the girls came away with a new bond amongst them, sore muscles, some blisters and that much wiser for all the advice they were given to prepare them for racing in Term 2.

Some blisters, sore muscles, a little wisdom and a greater bond form part of the experience for the Parktown girls who attend cross-country camp. Photo: Supplied

Details: Parktown High School for Girls 011 593 5900.

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