Roedean Academy turns 10

HOUGHTON – The academy held its 10 year anniversary that gives additional tutoring to learners in underresourced schools.


Ten years of providing additional tuition for learners from under-resourced schools was celebrated accordingly by the Roedean Academy.

The academy, which is an initiative of Roedean School (SA) held its 10-year anniversary at the school in Houghton. The executive head of Roedean School, Fiona Rogers said she recalled how she had heard about the newly established St John’s Academy who had initiated the idea of afternoon lessons for boys from local schools in 2008. The girls made a very strong plea for a similar opportunity and St John’s constantly approached Roedean to join them in their new venture.

Music teacher, Rexleigh Bunyard leads the Rainbow Warriors in their performance at the Roedean Academy 10-year anniversary. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Rogers said that it wasn’t long before Roedean also embarked on the journey of garnering sponsors to get the academy started financially as well interviewing the enthusiastic prospective candidates.

“At the time, we were only able to offer spaces to 20 Grade 10 girls. I was overcome with admiration for the girls who could spend all day at school, and then journey all the way to Roedean for a few more hours in the classroom. Their determination was an inspiration to me,” said Rogers.

The Rainbow Warriors give a performance at the 10th anniversary of Roedean Academy. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Roedean Academy has since grown to provide tuition in maths, English, accounting and physical science for up to 100 girls from their partner school, Barnato Park High School.

Former headmistress at Roedean, Mary Williams said she was also inspired by co-pioneer of the academy and Roedean Academy director, Sandra McCallum who endured 11 months of a life-threatening illness and throughout the treatment only missed two days of the academy.

Former headmistress at Roedean School, Caroline Williams was a co-pioneer of the Roedean Academy 10 years ago. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

McCallum extended her gratitude by mention towards everyone who has contributed towards the academy; and these include group and individual sponsors; various departments, teachers, volunteers as well as ‘the person behind the scenes who is also the academy’s chief fundraiser, Kate Lowings’.

The three Roedean Academy alumni, Angela Themba, Sibongile Zwane and Magoli Cizungu re-live their memories of the academy. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Former academy learner, Sibongile Zwane shared the experiences she had there and said she learnt that the world owed her nothing and rather she had to work hard for changes she wanted to see. Another alumnus, Angela Themba said she learnt to do social media and email communications through the academy; while Mugoli Chizungu said the best part of the academy was getting one-on-one sessions whilst there were 20 girls in the classroom.

Some drums, colour and music rendered by the Rainbow Warriors at the Roedean Academy 10-year celebrations. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Details: Roedean School (SA)

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