In tweets: Reach for a Dream launches Slipper Day [VIDEO]

KILLARNEY– Slipper Day aims to raise funds for life-threatening illnesses affecting children under the age of 18.


If you looking for an excuse to wear slippers on a working day then now you have it, Reach for a Dream’s annual Slipper Day was launched in Killarney Country Club on 28 March. 

The foundation aims to raise funds for children with life-threatening illness between the ages of three and 18.

The Rosebank Killarney Gazette journalist Naidine Sibanda tweeted from the event, here are some of the highlights.

Slipper Day will take place on 10 May. People can show their support by purchasing wristbands for R10 at a Pick n Pay and Dischem store in their area, the money raised will go to Reach for a Dream foundation.

Watch, dreamer Musa Motha shows off his dance moves:

Related article:

National Slipper Day makes children’s dreams a reality


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