
Rosebank police warn public about common robberies and theft of canopies in the area

ROSEBANK – Sergeant Bongi Mdletshe shares tips to avoid becoming a target of these crimes.

Common robberies and theft of canopies are some of the crime trends taking place in the Rosebank policing precinct this February.

Spokesperson for the Rosebank Police Station Sergeant Bongi Mdletshe said despite handing out pamphlets in November last year, reported in the Rosebank Killarney Gazette Community is made vigilant about local crime [Week ending 23 November 2018], the snatching of cell phones in the Rosebank area is still taking place.

Mdletshe explained that a woman’s cell phone was snatched out of her hand in Tyrwhitt Avenue last week.

“The complainant was meeting someone at a mall and communicating with them on her phone to get directions. Criminals driving a white Nissan spotted her and one of them jumped out the car while it was still in motion, grabbed her phone, ran back to the car and sped off,” said Mdletshe.

“We plead with the public not to use cell phones in public spaces unless they are standing close to a security guard. We are aware of these common robberies and are doing our best in conjunction with security companies to bring an end to this problem.”

He urges the public to meet police halfway and refrain from using their cell phones on the street.

Mdletshe explained that this has become an issue because of the traffic going to and from construction sites in Tyrwhitt Avenue.

Another crime that has utilised the increased construction site traffic has been the theft of bakkie canopies. “This was a problem last year and it became quiet in November and December, but in February another incident took place.”

Mdletshe said that in an incident which took place last year, two occupants of a white Nissan 1400 wearing construction overalls targeted Nissan NP200, Chevrolet Utility and Opel Corsa bakkies in the area due to the construction work. “They removed the canopy, unlocked the screws and placed it on their vehicle,” he explained.

Mdletshe advises those with canopies to leave a person in their car while they are in the area for construction or deliveries or alternatively alert security to watch their vehicle.

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