
Ward councillor prunes overgrown trees blocking traffic lights

CRAIGHALL PARK – Complaints of overgrown vegetation blocking traffic lights have been attended to by the ward councillor.


Vegetation on the road can be an obstruction to road markings and traffic lights. After complaints from residents about overgrown trees blockading traffic lights in Craighall Park, Ward 90 councillor Martin Williams responded swiftly.

He described how residents coming from the Valley Centre had complained about how they had difficulty seeing the lights on the Buckingham Avenue side.

The trees had grown to the extent of covering the traffic lights on Buckingham and Jan Smuts avenues which prevented road users from properly seeing when traffic lights changed colour. Without assistance from anyone else, Williams took it upon himself to prune the trees, thus eliminating the barriers to the lights.

A swift response from the Ward 90 councillor Martin Williams who trims tree branches to make traffic lights on Buckingham and Jan Smuts avenues visible after residents complained. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

However, there is yet another obstruction identified by Williams; a bent pole/sign standing in the way of traffic signals on the aforementioned avenues. “I have logged a complaint to the JRA (Johannesburg Roads Agency) who have inspected the pole and will hopefully attend to it soon,” said Williams.

The road is right next to the Burnside Avenue intersection which residents also previously raised as a cause for concern as reported by the Rosebank Killarney Gazette in an online article titled Jan Smuts and Burnside Avenue intersection traffic signals set to be reconfigured to avoid confusion [16 December]. The residents were concerned about the number of accidents taking place at the intersection because of the confusing traffic lights. The pruning of the trees at Buckingham avenue seems to be a necessary step in reducing traffic lights confusions and problems in the area.

Do you think the trees located on the roads pose a danger and if so, what’s the solution? Post your views on Facebook at Rosebank Killarney Gazette

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