
St John’s A level Upper Six results best on record

HOUGHTON – The school is pleased to announce their best-ever A-Level Upper Six results on record.

St John’s College is proud to announce their 2018 AS and A-Level results.

The Cambridge Assessment International Education Board A Levels have been offered at St John’s College since 1972, bringing together an eclectic group of people from across Africa and the world to write these exams.

Head of St John’s Sixth Form Kate Byrne said, “We are delighted, in particular with the A Level Upper Six results, which are our best on record and we congratulate all students and teachers who worked so hard to make this happen.”

The subject pass rate of all the students who wrote the A-Level exams was 100 per cent and 82 per cent of the students achieved A to C symbols across all subjects. Ambroise Müller was the top achiever, receiving four distinctions and an average of 97 per cent.

Ambroise Müller was the top achiever in the A-Level category.
ZeZhong Liu was the top achiever in the AS Level, receiving a 91 per cent average.

St John’s is also delighted to share the success of their AS Level learners. The subject pass rate for these exams was 91 per cent. Overall, 59 per cent of students achieved A to C symbols across all subjects and 14 per cent achieved 80 per cent in one or more subjects. The top achiever in this category was ZeZhong Liu who achieved an average of 91 per cent.

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