
Roedean Grade 1s excited to start school

PARKTOWN – The Roedean School staff, parents and learners were keen to start the academic year of 2019 as they gathered at the school hall for their first assembly.

Beating the traffic in order to get to school early was a top priority of the Roedean School (SA) staff, parents and learners.

Everything was in order as the senior school introduced their office bearers at assembly and the junior school learners settled in. Having achieved a 100 per cent pass mark for their 2018 matric exams, the school wanted to get right into the swing of things and sow the seeds for 2019.

Skye Hamlet believes the sky is the limit for anyone willing to learn. Photo: Naidine Sibanda
Aaliya Bobat and Chidochashe Ganye put their stationery kits on the table ready to work.Photo: Naidine Sibanda

The deputy headmistress of junior school and head of St Margaret’s, Megan Raines said there were lots of happy parents and children and they had an exceptionally good start to the year. “Over the years in my career it used to be that Grade 1s and parents would be tearful but now kids are getting into school earlier and getting used to the environment. We pride ourselves in trying our best to help them grow emotionally and academically,” said Raines. She added that they tried to help the children combat the anxieties of the world with a robust driven curriculum.

Roedean School (SA) start off the academic year 2019 with the induction of office bearers at assembly. Photo: Naidine Sibanda
Teacher Megan Crisp guides her Grade 1 class at Roedean School (SA). Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Such help and assistance also comes in the form of interns who help out in the foundation phase at the school and are groomed toward becoming teaching assistants. Roedean Academy’s Kate Lowings said the school had a partnership with Sparrow FET College and because there was space at Roedean the interns had been placed to assist.

“The interns, Yamkela and Mbali did their Early Childhood Development (ECD NQF) level 4 at Sparrow then did six months’ practicals at Roedean in the Grade 1 class and are now doing a part-time NQF level 5 course at Sparrow while helping here at Roedean,” Lowings explained. Deputy head Raines said she was looking forward to a productive 2019.

Deputy headmistress and head of St Margaret’s Megan Raines looks forward to a progressive 2019 at Roedean School. Photo: Naidine Sibanda
Already getting into business is the Grade 1 class of Polly Kreil at Roedean School (SA). Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Details: Roedean School (SA)

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