
Highs and lows of 2018 at DSJ

PARKTOWN – Principal Thomas Bachmeier discusses the school's highlights from 2018.


The principal of the Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg (DSJ) Thomas Bachmeier discussed the highs and lows of his Parktown-based school in 2018.

Bachmeier said his major highlight of the year came in February when DSJ was visited for one week by three representatives of the Bund-Länder-Inspektion (BLJ), seen as the quality stamp of approval from the German Government for all German schools abroad.

“We are extremely proud not just to maintain our status as an exzellente Deutsche auslandsschule but to have improved tremendously since the last inspection in 2011,” said Bachmeier.

Other highlights from the year included the school’s biggest fundraiser, the 111th annual Schulbasar in May, which attracted around 8 000 visitors. Bachmeier also said the school was proud to host the second-ever Science Week along with the Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria and more than 30 German and international companies and institutions in June.

In addition, athletes from the school also competed at the ‘School Olympiade of the five German schools of Southern Africa in Namibia in September.

The school also undertook renovations this year on the swimming pool and the installation of a multi-million rand window renovation project for the entire school building.

“The new windows will be saving a lot of energy while also improving the learning environment for both our teachers and learners,” said Bachmeier.

He said that a challenge facing the school at present is the decrease in the number of German expats working for German companies in Johannesburg due to the tough economic and political climate in the country resulting in a lower number of German children at the school.

“Fortunately, we are a very multicultural school open to all people and the overall numbers are stable,” he said.

Bachmeier thanked the incredibly supportive school family for their contributions to the life of the school.

“I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the success of this year through their support, be it as employees, as parents or as friends and supporters. I thank you for the cooperation and wish all members of our school family a relaxing holiday, a peaceful Christmas and a good start to 2019!”



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