
Neighbours left in the dark regarding proposed mast to be installed on Buckingham Avenue

CRAIGHALL PARK – Residents say they have been left in the dark about the proposal to install a cell mast at 32 Buckingham Avenue.


Residents in Buckingham Avenue and surrounds are up in arms about the proposed cellular mast to be installed on the property of 32 Buckingham Avenue.

Although it was communicated to Ward 90 councillor Martin Williams that the project had been put on hold due to legal compliance issues, Michelle Padayachee from Hauwei, who was appointed by Telkom Mobile to acquire and build sites, refuted this statement. “We are following the process required and stipulated by the City of Joburg by-laws. [The] site is in discussion but not on hold.”

The Rosebank Killarney Gazette visited the site on 11 September and spoke to the owner of the property where the mast is set to be installed.

He explained that a tree, which is leaning into the road, will be cut down in order for the mast to be installed.

“I don’t see problems with it. I have lived here for over 20 years and seen the evolution of the area. I believe this will enhance the value of my property and bring a better signal to the area. I’ve done my research and there is no harm or danger caused by it.”

He explained his views to his neighbours that the 15m-high mast will have a 2,5m by 2,5m base. He added that fake branches will be put up to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Williams said, “As ward councillor, I feel that it’s necessary for community members to be informed and have their say on this project. ACE Environmental has been tasked with facilitating the public participation process, but the only effort they have made is to send registered letters to property owners, which arrived late.”

Ward 90 Councillor Martin Williams points to the tree that will be removed in order to instal a Telkom mast. Photo: Sarah Koning

Williams faulted the document of notification sent to neighbours, which had erroneously quoted an Ekurhuleni by-law and stated that residents should respond by 2 July but one resident only received their letter on 21 August.

Kerryn Lawson who lives directly opposite the site where the mast is set to be installed said that she was furious about the allegedly under-handed manner in which Telkom had gone about the public participation process. “I don’t understand why we need a cell mast. My Wi-Fi with Telkom is perfect… I worry that this is a competition between corporates and homeowners.

“I have not received a thing from ACE and I’ve heard nothing from the property owner. The health issue is also a concern. I sent an email of objection to ACE as soon as I’d heard about it.”

Meg McTaggart at number 30 expressed similar complaints, also saying that she had not received notification about the project. “I’m concerned because I don’t know the full story.”

Bonnie Beckley who resides at number 33 said she first heard about the project when a crane company asked if they could get access to the property through her driveway. “I feel like we are all left in the dark. I received my notification late and I don’t want the mast. It won’t benefit us as we are not Telkom customers,” said Beckley, adding that she had also objected to the project.

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