Suspects apprehended on Jan Smuts thanks to swift action from security guards

CRAIGHALL PARK – Security guards aid in the arrest of two suspects by Parkview police on Jan Smuts Avenue.


Parkview police arrested two suspects for armed robbery following swift action from security guards in Craighall Park.

Parkview police spokesperson Captain Tintswalo Sibeko said on 11 September they received a complaint of an incident on the corner of Jan Smuts and Buckingham avenues.

“The members proceeded to the scene,” she said.

“On their arrival, they spoke to the security officer who gave them the details about the complaint. It is alleged that two suspects were seen robbing two ladies. After robbing the ladies, they stopped a taxi and got inside.”

She added that a witness informed security guards and they stopped the taxi and called for backup.

Beagle Watch security guard Simon Matli, who was operating from Pick n Pay ran to the robots at the corner of Jan Smuts and Lancaster Avenue where he met up with the witness who told him that the suspects had boarded a taxi.

Beagle Watch regional operations manager Josh Nel said, “Simon ran towards the robots at the intersection of Buckingham and Jan Smuts avenues. He stopped the taxi when he had spotted the suspects and the taxi driver kept the door closed while Simon called the control unit who dispatched a tactical unit to detain the suspects until Parkview police arrived on the scene.”

Sibeko said, “The two suspects were searched and a cell phone was found in their possession. Parkview police opened a case of armed robbery and the two suspects were arrested.”

Items recovered from the suspects on the scene.

She added that the two suspects had appeared in the Johannesburg Magistrates’ Court on 13 September to face charges of armed robbery.

Nel said, “We are very proud of the work by Simon. He went above and beyond the call of duty. This is not the first time he has apprehended suspects.”

Two OPT security guards from The Valley Shopping Centre were also on the scene. Though they wished to remain anonymous to protect their identity from criminals, they said they called Parkview police immediately. “We are here to protect our customers. When someone cries [sic] inside the centre, we are there for them. Even the people who walk to our centre will now know they are safe. Those criminals won’t come back here,” one of them said.


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