Nelson Mandela Foundation condemns Mabulu artwork

JOHANNESBURG – The Nelson Mandela Foundation has found a new painting by Ayanda Mabulu 'deeply offensive'.


The Nelson Mandela Foundation has condemned the artwork by controversial artist Ayanda Mabulu as ‘deeply offensive’.

The artwork in question depicts a former president Nelson Mandela holding up a Nazi salute on a Nazi flag.

A spokesperson for the foundation, Luzuko Koti said, “The Nelson Mandela Foundation has no expertise in the arts and accepts that freedom of expression gives artists a creative licence which, at times, will result in work which is more or less disturbing. But there are limits.”

Koti added, “The work by Ayanda Mabulu which was briefly put on public display without due authorisation at the Joburg Art Fair today in our view, goes beyond the reasonable limit. We find it deeply offensive.”

The foundation commended the Joburg Art Fair management for their quick action in difficult circumstances.

Koti said, “Together with our stakeholders, we are considering options in terms of further action. Last year we chose to seek an order from the Equality Court declaring gratuitous public displays of the old South African national flag to be a form of hate speech. That litigation is ongoing.”


Read: 2018 Arts Alive launched in Joburg

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