Get your hands dirty to beautify green areas this Spruit Day

PARKHURST – Join this year's Spruit Day on 15 September.


It’s almost time for the Joburg community to rally together and get involved in the annual Spruit Day event taking place on 15 September from 9am to 12pm at nine designated meeting points from Albert’s Farm to Paulshof.

Rosebank Killarney Gazette scouted the meeting points for our readers, which include the Parkhurst group meeting at the bottom of the pedestrian bridge on the Spruit on 12th Street and the Craighall Park, Blairgowrie and Bordeaux communities who will meet at the Old Parks Sports Club.

Event organiser Gail Jelley said, “The purpose of the day is to ensure environmental awareness around the river systems, making them more habitable for plant and animal life and also for recreational purposes.

“I have been pleased to see enthusiasm grow as more suburbs have gotten involved and taken ownership of the Spruit.”

Jelley explained that there are 14 participating residents associations taking part in this the fifth annual event, where they hope to attract between 300 and 600 volunteers.

The event calls on community members to get their hands dirty on the day as they plant trees, clean up litter and remove alien vegetation in various areas.

Young volunteers teamed up with the Bryanston East Community Association to clean the Spruit last year. Photo: Sarah Koning

Spruit Day founder Natalie Zimmelman, who is the current Spruit Day coordinator on behalf of the Parkhurst Residents Association, explained that the day began as an initiative to bring about collaboration between residents living along the Spruit. “It’s difficult to get the community involved in green areas and the initiative was started in order to get people continuously involved in the green space.”

She further explained that the Parkhurst group will clear out alien vegetation and picnic to celebrate access to an area that was not previously available.

If you would like to get involved in the day, you can follow the Spruit Day 2018 Facebook page or email Natalie at for more information on the Parkhurst event or Gail at for more information on the meeting at Old Parks.


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