Ramaphosa honours Mandela

Ramaphosa pays a befitting tribute to former SA president.


President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, has called upon all citizens to emulate the values of former president and international icon, Nelson Mandela.

Ramaphosa was speaking at the 16th annual #NelsonMandelaLecture held at the Wanderers Stadium on the eve of his birthday, 18 July.

The lecture was delivered by the former United States of America president, Barack Obama.

Read: Nelson Mandela Day: A timeline of Madiba’s 100 years

“As we celebrate Madiba’s 100-year centenary, we need to emulate and strive to build a better South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world,” said Ramaphosa.

“We need to honour and revere him. His vision and values are universal and as South Africans, we’re proud to say he is one of us because he appealed beyond colour and race of the people.”

Ramaphosa said Mandela was not perfect, however, he always sought his better self.

According to the current country’s president, Mandela became a symbol of hope and his resolute commitment to the people is the reason we enjoy this democracy.

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Ramaphosa said he used to lie on his bed and dream of being like Mandela, just like many others, but Barack Obama beat us all to it.

“Just like Madiba, you became the first black president in your country… just like Madiba you have a commitment to humanity.

“You embody the qualities of Mandela, a leader that lived a remarkable life – a foot soldier,” he said.

In Obama, Ramaphosa said South Africa has found an ally, a friend and a brother adding that it was an honour to listen to him as he delivered the Mandela lecture.

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