Man to spend six months in jail for reporting false hijacking and kidnapping case

JOBURG – The Johannesburg Magistrates' Court sentenced a 25-year-old man to six months' imprisonment after finding him guilty of perjury.


25-year-old Stefan Mubiri will spend six months behind bars for reporting a false case to police.

The Johannesburg Magistrates’ Court sentenced the man to direct imprisonment after finding him guilty on a charge of perjury.

In March this year, Mubiri was arrested by the Johannesburg Central Police after it was discovered that he opened a false car hijacking case at the police station.

According to Captain Xoli Mbele, spokesperson for the Johannesburg Central Police Station, while opening the case, the accused told the police that he was hijacked by six men and two of them carried firearms. He was driving a dark blue Renault Clio vehicle.

He also told the police that he was with his cousin when the hijacking occurred and the cousin was kidnapped by the hijackers.

The man then went back to the police station a few days later to confess that he had opened a false case. He told the police that he had opened the case in order to get his car back. It appears that the suspect owed a friend money and the friend had taken the car.

Mbele said the accused told police that he was scared that the friend would not bring it back as he had failed to pay back the money he owed him. The police managed to recover the vehicle and he was arrested immediately for perjury.

Mbele has appealed to the community to refrain from opening false cases because he said it derails the police services that are needed by the real victims of crime.


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