South Africa backs Caster Semenya as she takes on the IAAF

JOBURG – Semenya puts on her big-girl panties to fight the good fight.

South Africa’s very own Olympic gold medalist, Caster Semenya will challenge the IAAF’s rule change on testosterone levels in the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne.

Semenya’s decision follows the IAAF’s rule change, which specifies that any athlete found to have a testosterone level of five nanomoles per litre or above and is androgen-sensitive, must meet a set of criteria to compete.

Read: Twitter applauds Caster Semenya on third world title

The rule change is expected to come into effect in November and will only apply to middle distance races – races that Semenya competes in.

In a statement, Semenya said she does not like talking about the IAAF’s rule and just wants to run naturally, the way she was born.

“It is not fair that I am told I must change. It is not fair that people question who I am. I am Mokgadi Caster Semenya. I am a woman and I am fast,” Semenya said.

Semenya’s decision has garnered widespread support from South Africans and South African brands all over: 

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