DON’T MISS: Donate blood at the Northern Suburbs Tennis Club this weekend

PARKWOOD – In partnership with Saxonwold and Parkwood Residents Association, the Northern Suburbs Tennis Club will be hosting another blood drive.


Following the success of their first blood drive at the Northern Suburbs Tennis Club on 7 April, the committee of Saxonwold and Parkwood Residents Association and the club will host another one on 9 June.

The drive will help with much-needed blood stocks and the club is hoping that by hosting these drives it will attract new members. The first drive attracted 16 donors and the organisers are hoping to increase that number on the upcoming one.

The association urges those who wish to donate blood to come on the day.

Also read: A blood drive initiative should be enough to save a club in Parkwood

Did you donate blood on the last blood drive event? Let us know about your experience on


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