WARNING SENSITIVE CONTENT: Mom alleges 32 Parktown boys were sexually assaulted

PARKTOWN – A parent at the school is furious with the SGB for allegedly hiding information.

Shocking allegations of racism and sexual abuse of learners at Parktown Boys’ High School were revealed during a meeting with the Gauteng Education MEC, Panyaza Lesufi, and parents on 12 April.

Lesufi had called the meeting in order to discuss the findings of a report by the department following the allegations at the school.

Read more about the meeting here: Evidence found to support racism complaints against four Parktown Boys’ teachers 

One parent, who had been given carte blanche by the headmaster and School Governing Body (SGB) to investigate the allegations, said that when her evidence was presented to the headmaster and the SGB, they allegedly tried to conceal the information.

“I was here from 2014 and I have witnessed first-hand what has happened to our boys. One child was too much. Thirty-two were evidenced, properly damaged, anally penetrated every night,” alleged the parent.

She added that the impact the abuse had had on the learners had been severe. “We have suicidal boys, wanting to jump off of buildings because they have to smile and wave, put on the boater [hat] and uphold the Parktown way.”

Nicholas Greyling, the former chairperson of the SGB, said that there had never been an intention to hide the information in the report. “We had a plan of action where the information was going to be handed over. Myself and Mr [Kevin] Stippel (the acting headmaster) at that stage had made an appointment with the head of the department to bring him up to speed with what was happening. Unfortunately, when we got to that meeting we were told that the meeting had already taken place by members of the governing body, hostel and a parent member. ”

The report presented by the department revealed that there was evidence of racism and sexual assault implicating four of the nine teachers. However, some parents voiced their concerns that the report wasn’t comprehensive enough.

However, some parents voiced their concerns that the report wasn’t comprehensive enough.

The uncle of a learner at the school said that he had to attend the meeting at the school because the child’s mother was unable to attend because of the trauma.

He pleaded with the MEC to consider the evidence collected.

Two of the four teachers implicated are employed by the school while the other two are employed by the department.

“One who is employed by the school has already resigned and we have instructed our legal team to immediately notify the South African Council of Educators so they can be blacklisted and not allowed to teach,” said Lesufi.

The other teacher employed by the school will be going through a disciplinary process. He added that because the report implicated two teachers hired by the department they would be able to act against them.

The National Prosecuting Authority will also be looking into the allegations.

ALSO READ: Education MEC addresses assembly at Parktown Boys’ following allegations of sexual assault

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