Waverly Residents Ratepayers Homeowners Association to launch on 10 April

WAVERLY – The Waverly Residents Ratepayers Homeowners Association will host a special launch on 10 April.

A group of Waverly residents founded a brand-new association and will launch the initiative on 10 April.

Chairperson Tracey Lavers said, “We took the initiative to form the Waverley Residents Ratepayers Homeowners Association (WRRHA) after my family’s second hi-jacking in Burn Street, where my son was held up at gunpoint, to address the unacceptably high levels of crime in our suburb.”

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Lavers added, “We also took note of the warning of DA councillor David Fisher regarding the effects of urban decay creeping into Waverley from developments within the suburb and along Louis Botha Avenue.

“Besides these important concerns, there is a need to monitor the re-zoning of properties and the urgent upkeep of our suburb’s infrastructure”

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To help them form the association and draft a constitution, the group consulted with other residents’ associations, particularly Birdhaven and Melrose North and took away key initiatives which work in those areas.

The WRRHA fledgling group has successfully managed with the DA and neighbouring residents’ associations to overrule plans to develop a Skydeck Petroport that would have spanned across both M1 off-ramps at Athol Oaklands Road. They support the Joburg Mayor’s A re Sebetseng initiative to clean up Waverley’s parks, streets and streams. They are also in the process of working to close down the illegal taxi rank on Stirling Street.

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The official launch will be held at St Mary’s School, Burn Street, Waverley on Tuesday 10 April at 5.30pm for 6pm. Residents are urged to check their post boxes for more details of the launch of this much-needed organisation.

Details: traceylavers@gmail.co.za

Are you a Waverly resident? What do you think of this initiative? Share your thoughts on the North Eastern Tribune Facebook page.

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