Orange Grove embarks on a huge cleaning campaign

Orange Grove – Huggett is determined to sort out crime in Orange Grove especially drug syndicates.

Residents of Orange Grove were hard at work on 20 January as part of the monthly A Re Sebetseng cleaning campaign led by their councillor, Eleanor Huggett.

A Re Sebetseng is a cleaning drive led by the City of Johannesburg’s Mayor Herman Mashaba, earmarked to mobilise residents to volunteer their time and energy ensuring their areas are cleaned on a regular basis.

The campaign is usually held on the last Saturday of every month, however, Huggett said it has been changed to every third Saturday from now on.

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During their last Saturday’s cleaning campaign in Orange Grove, Huggett said they targeted a piece of a land on the corner of 1st Avenue and 2nd Street.

According to the councillor, residents came out in numbers to support this cleaning campaign.

“We had a very good response from our residents who came out to help clean that piece of a land and we’re very grateful for that,” said Huggett.

“We had young children from The Rainbow Reading Group, and elderly men and women. It was even multiracial.

“The land that we were cleaning is even privately owned, however, the owner died about 15 years ago and as the City, we are looking at ways of utilising it for a good cause.”

The councillor said the land is dilapidated and it is untidy and abandoned and makes that area unsightly.

“People dump waste there, some even burn copper wires on it and it has also turned into a drug den with dealers using it to sell drugs to young people.

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“The City is now taking legal measures to utilise the land for the community to use but we still need to find out who currently owns it.”

She said to drive out drugs in the Orange Grove area, she is working together with the Norwood police and the Metro police.

Huggett said she determined to sort out crime in Orange Grove especially drug syndicates.

The next A Re Sebetseng campaign will be held in February at the substation on 10th Street as well as at Paterson Park.

Details: Eleanor Huggett 071 785 8068.

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