
Torah Boys achieve stellar results

ORCHARDS – Torah Academy Boys High School achieved impressive results in their exams.

The Torah Academy Boys High School achieved impressive results in their recent exams.

Dean of Torah Academy, Rabbi Dovid Hazdan said, “We are delighted at the results achieved by Torah Academy matriculants. Once again they have done the school and the community proud.”

Hazdan added, “We are proud that our outstanding matric results reflect only a part of Torah Academy’s achievements in preparing young men and women for life.”

Betzalel Chaikin scored four distinctions.

Principal of the Torah Academy Boys High School, Rabbi Yossi Chaikin said, “We are extremely proud of the amazing achievements of the class of 2017. Not only on account of their superb matric results but also because they were able to accomplish this while spending the prime portion of each morning learning Jewish texts.”

The school also achieved a 100 per cent pass rate.

The top-performing student at the school was Pinchas Katz who obtained five distinctions in Afrikaans, life orientation, Hebrew, computer applications technology and life sciences.

Betzalel Chaikin obtained four distinctions in life orientation, Hebrew, physical science and computer application technology, while Menachem Mendal Zlotnick got two distinctions in life orientation and Hebrew.

Also read: Torah girls excel


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