Parktown girls donate their Grade 12 shoes for a good cause

PARKTOWN – Grade 12s from Parktown High School for Girls commemorate the end of their school career by donating their shoes.

Grade 12s at Parktown High School for Girls carried on their school’s tradition of leaving their school shoes behind after their final exams to be donated to those in need.

The matrics left their shoes neatly aligned on the floor next to their school desks upon exiting their exam venue on 27 November.

A total of 184 pairs of shoes have been collected and will be donated to St Vincent de Paul Society for their Footloose Shoe Collection.

The society is a non-profit, social service organisation which serves those in need. Run from the St Charles Parish in Victory Park, the society has an active interest in the people of Soweto and have direct contact with parishes in Kliptown, Orlando and Meadowlands, where all donations are distributed.

Matrics from Parktown High School for Girls show off the school shoes they are donating.

The collection project is aimed at providing school shoes to disadvantaged schoolchildren in Soweto. These children have enormous pride and wearing school shoes is part of their self-respect.

Many children do not want to go to school barefoot and therefore, to the detriment of their studies, stay at home.

Roy Morreira, from the Society of St Vincent de Paul said, “We know these shoes will be most appreciated by these scholars for their 2018 academic year.”

Tell us your thoughts on this initiative on WhatsApp 079 439 5345

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