Safety tips to avoid possible danger when you are jogging

ROSEBANK – There are a few safety tips that we should all observe while out on a morning or evening running, in an attempt to keep that summer body. Here's a few.

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There is no doubt that more and more people are taking advantage of the summer season to take to the roads for a morning run in a bid to shed some winter weight.

While jogging provides the perfect opportunity to keep fit while enjoying the outdoors, it is important for runners to keep road safety top-of-mind. Road safety should not only be a priority for motorists but should be even more important to runners as they may be exposed to all kinds of risks – including reckless drivers.

The health benefits of jogging are plenty, however, it is important that safety is prioritised to ensure that it remains an enjoyable and safe experience, that won’t compromise your well-being. So, if you decide to go jogging, make the following road safety tips your greatest priority at all times.

Leave a message

Before heading out for a jog, make sure that there is always someone who knows where you are going. We live in a digitally connected world that has made it easy to inform someone of your whereabouts, so let your family, a friend or even your next-door neighbour know that you have stepped out for a jog. Also, give them details of your planned route.

Run on the same side as oncoming traffic

While out on the road, run facing the oncoming traffic as this will help motorists approaching you, to see you better. Also, in the event that anything happens in front of you, you can react faster and possibly avoid an accident.

Wear visible clothes

The importance of being highly visible while running, cannot be stressed enough. Always wear high-visibility, brightly coloured clothing – irrespective of what time of day you are taking a jog. For those who prefer jogging in the evenings, invest in a headlamp or handheld jogging torch so that you can see where you are going and other road users can also see you and avoid knocking you over.

Obey the rules of the road

While jogging, it’s often easy to forget the normal rules of the road. Therefore, it is crucial to be extra alert while you are on the road, obey the rules of the road unless you are running in an estate or complex that has a specific running track. More importantly, don’t forget to also look right, then left and right again before running across a road. Also, remember that motorists have the right of way in South Africa.

Avoid wearing earphones

Most joggers prefer to play their favourite tunes, to keep them motivated while they jog. This could, however, have dangerous consequences. How can you hear everything around you – including approaching vehicles or hooters – if the music is being played at full blast through your headsets?

If you can not run without headphones, lower the volume and keep it at a level that still allows you to hear what is going on around you. You can also wear your earphones in one ear, leaving the other ear free of sound and able to identify any alerts.

Do you have a safety regime that you observe while out jogging? Share your tips by posting on our Facebook page


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