Theft out of vehicles on the rise in Hillbrow

Hillbrow – Motorists should stop putting their valuables on car seats to avoid being targeted by smash and grab criminals.


Smash and grab incidents are increasing in the Hillbrow Police Station’s service area and the police urged motorists to be vigilant.

According to police spokesperson Sergeant Mduduzi Zondo motorists must safeguard their valuables to avoid being targeted.

Zondo told North Eastern Tribune that they want to make motorists aware that smash and grabs are an issue in this area.

He, however, blamed motorists who displayed their valuables in full view where criminals could easily see them.

“Motorists tend to put their [valuables] on the [car] seat. Criminals see it as an opportunity and they pounce,” said Zondo.

“We urge motorists to put their valuables [in a safe place] where criminals would not be able to see and even reach them.”

Police have identified Wolmarans Street leading to the Braamfontein area as the most problematic area and even deployed extra security in this area to deal with the crime.

Zondo said in the past two weeks they have arrested and detained about three suspects for smash and grabs.

“We believe this street, [and others in this area], are hotspots and this is the reason why we have more police patrolling there. Even so, we still urge motorists to be more careful. They must always lock their doors and close their windows,” he said.

Motorists who talk on their cellphones while driving are also to be blamed because they attract criminals and then end up losing their valuables, he said.

Zondo also warned taxi commuters to apply the same caution, especially in Plein Street.

Details: Sergeant Mduduzi Zondo 082 850 7974

Read: Smash and grab on the rise

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