Mrs SA finalist Matsi Menu visits daycare centre in #OrangeGrove to encourage recycling

Orange Grove – Adorable Kids have become actual effective recyclers.


Adele Thompson from Mpact Recycling visited Adorable Kids Day Care Centre in Orange Grove with Ronnie Recycler and Mrs SA 2017 finalist Matsi Menu.

The visit on 20 September, was intended to educate the children about various types of paper that can be recycled so that it doesn’t end up in landfill sites.

Instead, said Thompson, children can bring the paper to the centre and support Mpact Kerbside House with their house collection initiative.

Thompson said the collections are done every week as part of recycling month held annually in September.

The children have a huge influence on their families, and once they become recyclers, their families will also do the same, said Thompson.

“With September heralding the onset of Spring, the spotlight is firmly focused on the environment. Not only does nature begin to renew itself but September is South Africa’s annual clean-up and recycling month which highlights the need for everyone to protect the environment and recycle their waste.”

Adorable Kids is doing their part by supporting the Kerbside house to house collections. By doing this they also stimulate job creation, said Thompson

When you recycle, said Thompson, you benefit the environment by diverting recyclables away from landfills.

Menu said, “I would like to encourage the community at large to make recycling a lifestyle. Remember, children do what we do, not what we say.”

She encouraged households in Orange Grove to play their part in saving the environment by recycling all their unwanted paper, magazines, newspapers and beverage cartons for the Ronnie Bag Kerbside House collection program.

You can support Menu in her journey by liking her facebook page Matsi Menu Tammy Taylor Mrs South Africa finalist 2017 and voting by sms # SABC3 MATSI MENU to 35959.


Read: A celebration of glass recycling at the Royal Johannesburg and Kensington Club

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