Well done to Johannesburg East Cluster police who made more than 103 arrests in one week

JOHANNEBURG – Find what the police have been up to.


The Johannesburg East Cluster police arrested 103 suspects from 28 May to 4 June.

The cluster comprises Jeppe, Cleveland, Hillbrow, Rosebank, Norwood, Yeoville and Parkview police stations.

Spoksperson for Jeppe Police Station, Captain Richard Munyai said some of the suspects were on the wanted list after cases were opened against them, while others were arrested with assistance from the community.

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The arrests were as follows:

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“Most of the suspects have already appeared in different courts while others are yet to appear. Some have paid fines and bail while others are remanded in custody while investigations are still continuing.”

Details: Richard Munyai 071 686 7527.

Edited by Stacey Woensdregt

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