Police arrest two suspects after a botched car hijack

HIGHLANDS NORTH – Two suspects charged with hijacking and possession of unlicensed firearms


Two suspects were arrested by the police on 7 June on a charge of hijacking two cars in Highlands North.

The suspects were arrested after a high-speed chase with Community Active Patrollers (CAP) that ended in a collision at the traffic lights on the corner of Louis Botha and 6th avenues.

The suspects were arrested after they crashed into another car that was turning at the traffic lights.

It is alleged that the suspects tried to hijack one car in 9th Avenue in Highlands North, but failed.

When they were arrested, two firearms were recovered in the car they were driving which had also been hijacked as an alleged getaway car.

A security officer from CAP, who cannot be named because of protocol, said the suspects were seen trying to hijack a car. “When they realised that they had been spotted, they then hijacked the one they crashed into during a high-speed chase. They tried to flee but we managed to corner them and we contacted the police who made the arrest,” he said.

Thami Mabethu, the owner of the car the suspects crashed into, described his ordeal as a nightmare. He told North Eastern Tribune that he saw the firearms that were recovered from the suspects. “Yes there were firearms that were recovered from the car but no shots were fired.”

Norwood Police Station spokesperson, Elliot Tshivhas confirmed the incident. “They have been arrested and they are in our custody charged with two counts of carjacking and possession of unlicensed firearms,” he said.

Details: Norwood Police Station 011 483 4609.

Read: Alleged hijacker caught in the act in Yeoville thanks to good work by police

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