Officers in the Joburg East Cluster happily embrace the focus on fitness and health

PARKVIEW – Police officers are inspired to live healthier lifestyles.


The initiative was started by two Joburg East Cluster officers, Captain Zimele Vitus Mbelu and Emmanuel Manganyi.

These two men wanted to make a difference in their colleague’s lives by inspiring them to live a healthier lifestyle. “Our main aim is to help officers keep fit and healthy, which play a big role in being a police officer. Therefore, we have provided officers with a printed guide on what foods are healthy and also how to keep fit,” said Manganyi.

Officers can also participate in daily exercise sessions which will be held at the Hillbrow Police Station hall. There are two sessions a day, one from 6am to 8.30am and another from 4pm to 5pm. The aerobics sessions are hosted by Manganyi and Mbelu.

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Officers will also have activities such as 5km walks, stairs and also running around Constitution Hill in the near future.

There will also be health assessments done for officers to give them advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and what food and drinks to cut down on.

Captain Tintswalo Sibeko, spokesperson for Parkview Police Station, said this initiative is a great one as fitness and eating right is vital for police officers. “Our job requires as to have as fit as possible, so this will certainly help officers maintain a better lifestyle,” commented Sibeko.

The cluster is made up of seven police stations, including Cleveland, Jeppe, Hillbrow, Rosebank, Parkview, Norwood and Yeoville.


Do you think that officers from our police force is fit enough? Let us know your thoughts by posting on our Facebook page, Rosebank Killarney Gazette.

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