Death bend crash barrier repaired

SAXONWOLD – The notorious death bend has been made safer.

The Saxonwold and Parkwood Residents Association (Sapra) rallied together to get a damaged crash barrier repaired on the corner of Jan Smuts and Cotswold Avenue.

This after Bill Haslam, a member of Sapra, logged a complaint with the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) and then took it further by contacting Ward 117 councillor, Tim Truluck. “The process was a pretty simple one,” explained Haslam. “A picture of the barrier was taken and once I had the reference number it was easy to go to Tim and ask him to take it higher, which he did, so hence, the barrier was fixed within two weeks.”

He added that he was very pleased with the fast response from JRA as the damaged barrier was sticking out into the road and posed a hazard to motorists. “It was also an eyesore. We are very proud of our suburb and our roads so we like things to be dealt with properly.”

Truluck said ward councillors have over the past few months put in place some really good methods of escalating issues to the relevant authorities. These include tweeting the issue to the relevant authority with the logged reference number so they can deal with the issue; by using the various authorities’ applications that can be downloaded or by visiting their website.
“This way we are finding the various entities very receptive of these methods. So once I heard about the barrier I put it on Twitter and also posted it on the JRA regional B WhatsApp group for the ward councillors and the matter was handled very well by them.”

He suspected that the barrier was in such a state because of two accidents. “The first accident may have just weakened the barrier and the second one, which I suspect was a bigger vehicle, completely buckled it.”

Truluck stressed the importance of logging the complaint and getting a reference number first and then reporting it to the ward councillor who can then deal with the issue and query the reference number with the relevant authority.

Share your experience with us when you have had to log a complaint. Tweet @RK_Gazette and let us know.

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