Beware of cellphone-snatching thugs in slow-moving, heavy traffic

BRAMLEY — Bramley police commander says intersections are crime hotspots.

Bramley police have warned members of the public against using their cellphones while driving their vehicles.

Station commander, Colonel Owen King said, “Drivers’ negligent behavior attracts criminals.”

There had been several incidents of drivers being attacked after leaving windows open while talking on their phones. The criminals, posing as beggars or walking between slow-moving vehicles, had approached and snatched phones from distracted drivers. Minibus taxi passengers sitting next to open windows had also fallen victim to the thugs.

King said, “These cellphone snatchers operate mostly at intersections, or where the flow of traffic is very heavy. If it is absolutely necessary to use your cellphone, we urge the public to please use the hands-free tool or park at the side of the road and keep windows closed.”

Motorists should report any unusual activity to Bramley police on 011 445 4100.

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