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Randburg area Residents’ Associations

RANDBURG –Joining your local RA benefits you as you get advised of crime trends and what to look out for, whether it be suspicious vehicles or people.


RANDBURG – Joining your local Residents Association (RA) is not just exclusive to homeowners but to tenants as well, or those living in complexes.

Being part of your local association helps create an integrated community with a multitude of eyes surveying the area and looking out for one another. Gone are the days when you don’t know the name of your neighbour or the names of your local sector police officers.

In many cases, RAs organise social events that bring the community together. All RAs ultimately strive to make their area safe and crime-free.

Here is a list of RAs in the Randburg Sun area:

Blairgowrie Community Association: Jed Kemery, chairperson@myblairgowrie.co.za

Bordeaux North Community Forum: Shanaaz Bailey, chairperson@bncf.co.za

Bordeaux South Residents Association: Elinor Bodinger, buzz@bsra.co.za

Bryanfern Residents Association: Ian Leo, bryanfernchair@gmail.com

Ferndale Village Residents’ Association: Tracey Rebello, chairperson@fvra.co.za

Ferndale East Residents Forum: Jannie Potgieter, janniep@icon.co.za or 0836790118

Kenbrink Residents Association: Sandy Heidstra, heidstra@yebo.co.za or 011 7876857

Robins Residents and Ratepayers Association: Julian Cloete, juliancloete@me.com

Cresta Darrenwood Residents Association: CDRAsafety@gmail.com

Randridge: Bruce Murphey 083 556 3226

Randpark Ridge Ext 4: Glynis Rosendo 083 461 2018

Randpark Ridge Ext 14: Debbie Stutz 072 239 8868

Vandia Gardens Residents Association: Donna Sipman 083 299 1575

Sundowner Residents Association: Anne Koppenaal 011 795 2103 or 083 293 1202

Central Sharonlea Residents Associations: Richard Shuttle 083 300 7454

Linden Community Association: Estee Jamieson lindenjhb@gmail.com

Windsor Action Group: Louise Mynhardt, 084 274 2163.

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