He said, she said…

KILLARNEY – Residents accuse film company of breaking the rules.

The Bomb Shelter, a film and television production company in Randburg, was accused by Killarney residents of breaking the rules and not following protocol at their last shoot in the area recently.

According to a resident, the company was filming at the corner of 2nd Avenue and 2nd Street on 17 October and disrupted many who were enjoying their night’s rest. He claimed the crew did not have the correct wayleave and should not have been in the area.

“They started at around 12 midday and went on till around 2am,” said a frustrated resident.

“The film company made noise too and we believe they did not have the correct paperwork.”

Marc Harrison, a producer who was filming in the area on the day, refuted the allegations, calling them ‘baseless’. “Filming commenced from 2pm to about 6pm in an apartment in Gleneagles. Filming in the street only started after dark and I think we turned over around 6.30pm,” he claimed.

He said the company received permission from the Johannesburg Metro Police Department well in advance which allowed them to be in the area during the times filming took place.

The producer provided the Rosebank Killarney Gazette with a permit from Metro police, valid from 17 to 18 October, granting permission to film between 5pm and 6am the following morning at the corner of 2nd Avenue and 2nd Street.

With regards to the noise levels, Harrison said the crew had a mobile crane, which beeps loudly when driven.

Ward 73 councillor Mia Snyman confirmed that she was informed by the film company that they would be filming in the area on the day. Snyman said after receiving allegations that the crew had incorrect paperwork from concerned members of the residents’ association, she requested the Metro police to check if the crew had the right wayleave. “Metro police said they had the right wayleave, they confirmed that all was in order.”

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