Xperien calls on corporates to ride for a purpose

RIVERSANDS – Companies invited to raise funds for road safety initiative by taking part in Telkom 947 challenge.

Xperien Secure IT Asset Disposal, a company which deals with the secure disposal of technological assets, is inviting corporates to help raise money for a children’s road safety initiative by taking part in the Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge on 20 November.

The cycle challenge taking place at Riversands Commercial Park will see more than 30 000 cyclists take part, including the Xperien cycling team, in the 20th edition of Joburg’s biggest cycling event.

Wale Arewa, chief executive officer of the Fourways-based company, explained that the company was inviting corporates to join their cycling team and help raise funds for its much-needed children’s road safety initiative.

“The campaign aims to raise R300 000 for Wheel Well. Our company’s urban mining initiative, an ambassador for Wheel Well, aims to assist non-profit organisations that provide education and assistance for disadvantaged children in South Africa,” Arewa said.

“Wheel Well is the only not-for-profit organisation that focus exclusively on children in road safety but it is [also] a small organisation with a huge task at hand.”

Adding to this was Peggie Mars, speaking on behalf of Wheel Well, who said the exposure and funding would go a long way in assisting the organisation and the work it did.

Companies interested in being a part of the challenge, as part of the Xperien cycling team, can do so with a sponsorship of R1 650, which will secure entry to the Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge and includes registration fees and free cycling shirts.

Alternatively, they can show their support by sponsoring a rider with a minimum of R1 per kilometre.

Mars concluded by thanking Xperien for partnering with the organisation and helping them with their work they do in saving children’s lives.

“We are deeply honoured that Xperien partnered with us in this challenge and grateful that we will be enabled to do what we do best, road safety for our dearly beloved children,” she concluded.

Details: 011 462 8806; www.xperien.com

Read: Support locals as they ride for a purpose

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