UPDATE: Bogus attorney found guilty

KILLARNEY – Fake lawyer gets his day in court and is found guilty.

A fraudulent attorney was found guilty late last month by the Small Claims Court, handed a five-year suspended sentence and ordered to pay a fine.

In the article titled Police nab alleged fraudster published in the Rosebank Killarney Gazette late November 2015, Chris Tymbious (76), was arrested by Hillbrow Police Station detectives during a sting operation for trying to swindle a businesswoman out of her inheritance.

Athule Mbena’s late father left his estate to Mbena but made his sister the executor. Unable to afford legal services from a reputable law firm, Mbena was referred to Tymbious by a Killarney Mall bank employee, who knew him as an attorney, to assist with the process of ensuring the sole beneficiary received what was rightfully hers.

Tymbious’ suspicious and unstable behaviour, combined with his failure to deliver, led Mbena to conduct her own investigation on him, which revealed that he was not a practising or registered attorney at the Law Society. The suspect was subsequently arrested and was charged with misrepresenting himself as a lawyer.

“When I found out the truth about Chris, I went back and shared with the person who had referred me to him,” said Mbena.

“She was just as shocked and said he was a well-known figure and was trusted in Killarney Mall by most employees of most businesses because he was a regular.”

Mbena said a further investigation of the man revealed that he was debt-ridden and owed millions of rand to a financial institution.

“I managed to get hold of his home address and, not surprisingly, the house did not belong to him as he had claimed. The occupants claimed to be the owners and had never heard of Chris.”

The businesswoman said that when she managed to get Tymbious, who was in possession of all her private documents concerning the will and confidential business documentation, arrested, she felt a sense of relief.

“I took him out to a lunch – which I paid for – to the Woolworths restaurant at Killarney Mall while the police waited for him,” said Mbena.

“He was gobsmacked and asked why I was having him arrested.”

She said she was embarrassed and humiliated professionally by the convicted fraudster and placed in an uncertain position with the estate that is rightfully hers and deems the situation unforgivable. She added that she hoped that others would be vigilant to prevent falling prey to bogus lawyers.

“I still need assistance with getting what’s rightfully mine,” said Mbena.

“My priority was to deal with this mess and sort it out.”

Hillbrow police spokesperson, Sergeant Mduduzi Zondo confirmed that the suspect was convicted and received a suspended sentence for fraud. Attempts to reach Tymbious for comment were unsuccessful.

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