Little hands keep bellies full

PARKVIEW – Madiba's angels give to the needy.


Parkview Pre-Primary School pupils celebrated Mandela Day by getting their hands dirty at the George Hay Park and giving to the needy.

About 78 children, together with their teachers and some parents, spent their 67 minutes in celebration of the late former President Nelson Mandela’s life by cleaning up the park and making more than 100 cheese and jam sandwiches for the destitute.

The sandwiches were made for many who receive assistance through an outreach programme run by St Columba’s Presbyterian Church in Parkview.

Maryke Kerrin, a Grade 00 teacher at the school, said it was their second time spending Mandela Day in this fashion. She said the staff found the exercise important in teaching the children the values of responsibility, caring for one another and being part of a greater community.

“We enjoy teaching the children about the environment and looking after it, but mostly about being proudly South African,” said Kerrin.

“Before we came to the park, all the children made sandwiches and we will take them across to the church and they will distribute to those in need.”

Debbie Brown, the school’s administrator, agreed with Kerrin and said many hands make light work, therefore, it was important for the children to learn to work together, but mainly to understand the plight of the homeless and the hungry. “We want our children to be aware that there are people who are less fortunate than they are.

“We want them to be aware that there are hungry people in South Africa.”

The church’s Reverend Allistair Anquotil received the sandwiches and said he was grateful to the little ones for their acts of kindness. He said the sandwiches were sure to put smiles on many faces and fill many stomachs.

“It’s important for children to be part of a growing understanding of our need to care for other people,” said Anquotil.

“This is a great initiative and I’m glad that they’ve chosen to assist in this way. Thank you very much for helping us and for helping others.”

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