Parkhurst Clinic shuts doors for renovations

PARKHURST – Parkurst Clinic patients are asked to utilise Randburg Clinic or Windsor Clinic.


Parkhurst Clinic will be closed for almost a month while renovations take place.

The medical facility which sees almost 3 000 patients a month closed its doors on 4 July and hopes to be fully operational at the beginning of August.

Operational manager, sister Hazel Mabulwana said they opted to close the clinic to enable construction work to progress faster. “We are going to be adding two consultation rooms,” said Mabulwana of the renovations.

“Retiling will be done and new signage will be put up for the benefit of our patients.”

She added that the increasing number of patients warranted the addition of the consultation rooms and said it would ensure a quicker and better service.

Ward 117 councillor Tim Truluck said he appreciated the renovations, however, it was not easy to find a temporary location for the clinic in three days.

“This was too short a notice as most suitable venues to temporarily move the clinic to were booked up weeks ago,” said Truluck.

“The people who use the clinic every month will be severely inconvenienced as they had no prior warning.”

Mabulwana, who will be overseeing the renovations, requested that patients utilise Randburg Clinic or Windsor Clinic.

“No patient will be sent back, the clinics are aware of the renovations in Parkhurst.”

Details: 011 788 1526.

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