Bramley police hunt for 3 following house robbery

BRAMLEY – Police look for suspects who stole R43k worth of valuables.

Bramley police are looking for three suspects linked to a recent housebreaking and robbery.

The incident took place in Bramley on 25 June as the resident was standing outside her garage. According to Warrant Officer Moses Maphakela, spokesperson for Bramley Police Station, at this point, a white panel van allegedly stopped next to her and two armed suspects emerged from the van while the third suspect remained in the vehicle.

“The men ordered the woman to open the garage and house, an order the victim complied with as they had threatened to kill her child, and then ordered her to open the safe,” Maphakela said.

The suspects then allegedly plundered the safe, stealing R25 000, three wedding rings, three cellphones and a tablet before fleeing the scene.

Maphakela confirmed that the total value of the items taken from the safe was about R43 000.

“The matter was reported to the police, with the resident providing a description of the two suspects, but who was unable to see the van’s registration details,” he explained.

He added that the police were currently looking for the three men and appealed to residents to report to the police should they come across a suspicious-looking white panel van in the area. The case continues.

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