
A clean, green and safe park

JOHANNESBURG – Park to be revamped to its former glory.

The Zoo Lake Users Committee has major plans to return the heritage park to its former glory.

The Jewel of Johannesburg, which was given to the Town Council in 1904 by Herman Eckstein, has seen its fair share of unpleasantness. Zoo Lake Users Committee chairperson, Fran Haslan said even though the park has seen dark days, there has been considerable progress in the past months with the revamps.

According to her, as a committee, they are determined to do all they can to restore the park to be a safe place where all are welcome and free to enjoy the surroundings. “Our whole motto is – we want a clean, green and safe park for all,” said Haslan.

“That’s really what our message is and we are saying to people help us by getting involved.”

Elsabe Burnett, head of communications for the committee, is also optimistic. She said even though it would take a bit of time to accomplish all the committee’s plans, they were determined to see them through. “We are looking for sponsors,” she added.

“We have started with fundraising meetings and we are hoping that corporates will assist us as well.” The committee will be putting together a fundraising team to assist with many other bigger projects that have been identified.

The users committee is concerned about the blatant disregard of bylaws. According to the committee, on weekends some members of the public play loud music, which is not allowed, and braais in forbidden areas of the park cause destruction and damage to the trees.

Among the successes to date, the park has seen solar lights being installed along the walkway on the northern side of the park, lamp posts have been repaired and repainted, an erosion project is being finalised for the decayed and eroded areas, and the paving has been upgraded around the lake.

Haslam applauded Metro police and the personnel at Parkview Police Station for the support they give to the park. She said the increased visibility has resulted in the area being safe and crime free.

“We are encouraging people to come to the park and enjoy it,” said Haslan.

“The appeal is for people to respect the bylaws and to look after the park. A lot is being done to improve the park for their enjoyment.”

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