
Car guard pulls knife on Parkhurst restaurant owner

PARKHURST - A restaurant owner has been left traumatised after a car guard allegedly tried to stab him.

Restaurant owner Saverio Cardillo was left traumatised recently when one of the Parkhurst car guards allegedly pulled a knife on him.

Cardillo said that at around 11.50am, the car guard who works on the corner of 9th Street and 4th Avenue came into the restaurant and seated himself at a table where Cardillo’s sister and the manager on shift were sitting and allegedly demanded money from the sister.

“I happened to be passing by the table when I overheard the car guard demanding that my sister gives him money immediately. I naturally intervened and asked the car guard why he was demanding money and being so rude. When I questioned him about the obvious stench of alcohol on his breath, he got extremely aggressive with me and said that my sister was his sister and that she was going to give him money,” he alleged.

Cardillo said he then asked the car guard to please leave the establishment as he was making a scene and making the patrons feel uncomfortable. He also reprimanded the car guard about drinking on duty.

“[The car guard] then proceeded to raise his voice at me, at which point I demanded he leaves the premises immediately as the restaurant has right of admission reserved,” explained Cardillo.

He then informed the car guard that he would have him escorted off the premises by calling the police. The car guard then allegedly raised his voice once again and challenged Cardillo to phone them.

“Again I asked him to leave and took him by the arm and escorted him out. He then pulled a knife out from behind his back and said he was going to stab me in front of my customers and waiters. I then ran inside and called the police and Core Tac. Only once Core Tac arrived did he run away,” alleged Cardillo.

He added that in the last two weeks two cellphones have been stolen off his tables and two women were allegedly mugged in 8th Street. “Crime is on the rise, why can’t Metro or police do breathalysers on the car guards? These car guards need to be managed… if we are to have them around,” said Cardillo.

Parkview Police Station’s Major Sandile Mkhize confirmed that the car guard has since been arrested and appeared in the Hillbrow Magistrates’ Court on a charge of intimidation.

According to Jason Dunn, a regular visitor to Parkhurst, some of the car guards in the area have become a problem because they demand money from himself and others and they also drink.

“I have been coming here for years and bought food for the car guards, but now they just demand it by saying ‘I’ll have spaghetti or a burger’. When I said to the guy I am not doing this anymore he then asked for R300,” Dunn said.

Another concerned shop owner, who wished to remain anonymous for her safety, explained that the car guards have become extremely loud and demand money. “It is a real issue and an important issue of safety in the area,” she said.

Cardillo, however, added that there is a positive side, as there are wonderful car guards such as ‘Doctor’ in 10th Street who is always helpful and polite and never under the influence of alcohol or other substances, and is very professional. “The car guards can offer a sense of safety and security, but not if they are not managed properly,” he concluded.

Details: Parkview Police Station 011 486 5000.

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