Rubble nightmare finally over in Orange Grove

ORANGEGROVE – A plea is finally answered as rubble is removed in Orange Grove.

After a year, the pile of rubble on the pavement outside 44 2nd Street in Orange Grove has finally been removed by the property owner.

According to residents in the area, the rubble made it possible for criminals to gain entry into neighbouring properties, with numerous break-ins reported.

Venessa Probert, a resident of the block, said she had made numerous attempts to have the rubble removed but nothing was done by local authorities.

Local councillor, Mia Snyman said she had also reported the issue to the City of Johannesburg and promised to have it removed. However, the owner, who was not available for comment, finally removed the rubble on 16 April.

Workers remove the pile of rubble on the pavement of 44 2nd Street in Orange Grove.

“Finally, the owner did what is right. If we had to wait for the government nothing would have happened until some [people] got murdered,” said Probert.

Despite the rubble being removed, Probert said the criminals are now using the telephone pole to gain access into properties.

“I have seen them jump over on two occasions. Once they grabbed the woman next door, but she screamed so they ran away.”

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