80-year-old artist showcases optimism through art

ROSEBANK - You're never to join to be creative. Read up on an 80-year-old artist who showcased his natural talent recently in Rosebank.

Sidney Beck, a self-taught artist, has taken his talent to new heights when he showcased some of his bronze artworks at the Everard Read Gallery in Rosebank recently.

Beck is an 80-year-old whose journey in art and the love of it stem from when he was a child. “As a little boy, I would draw in the sand. I didn’t go to any school to learn art because, in my time, there was no such thing as art schools. So the talent I have is just simply a blessing from God,” Beck explained.

He grew up in Bertrams, Johannesburg, and studied in Vrededorp. He then trained as a teacher and taught for 23 years. Since then, Beck has worked as an artist, mostly as a sculptor.

In 1966, he won The Star Seaside Award for a charcoal drawing of children seeing the sea for the first time.

In 1986, the government added to the Parliament Building in Cape Town and Beck won the commission to complete a large mural for the building – a singular honour for a Transvaal artist. This work depicts coloured people from various walks of life.

As an ex-teacher, Beck explained that he was deeply concerned about the lack of opportunity to showcase the talent of his people, and his earlier work reflected sadness and frustration. However, his works now show a new spirit of optimism.

Beck’s subjects for his sculptures are taken from township life – street children, jazz players, newspaper sellers and family members involved in every day, but universal, pursuits and pleasures.

“I want young and aspiring artists to look at my example and not sit back and complain about the lack of opportunity, but they should showcase their talent in each and every way that they can,” he advised.

Beck’s artworks are present in many collections around the country and abroad, however for the past 20 years, he has exhibited at the Everard Read Gallery.

Details: Everard Read Gallery 011 788 4805.

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