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79 years of friendship and still going strong

Glenhazel – How long have your friendships lasted? This friendship began in 1937 and is still going strong.

Glenhazel resident, Sylvia Webberspiel shares the touching story of her 79-year friendship with Kelly Morris.

In 1937, just prior to the start of World War II, two spirited young girls met at a bus stop in Bezuidenhout Valley in Johannesburg.

They were, in fact, across-the-road neighbours, and their first ‘Hello’ was the start of a life-long friendship.

This year, on 10 April, the privilege of this unique 79-year friendship was once again celebrated by Webberspiel and Morris.

Webberspiel and Morris met at the tender age of nine. Although Webberspiel was of Jewish decent and Morris was not, this did not mar their incredible friendship and the two are as close as ever.

They attribute their friendship to tolerance, respect and understanding for, and of each other on every level of belief and companionship.

“Even though at times, distance has kept us apart, we have never been further than the nearest telephone or mailbox. In our day, cellphones and Facebook did not exist,” said Morris.

Sylvia Webberspiel and Kelly Morris have been friends for 79 years.
Sylvia Webberspiel and Kelly Morris have been friends for 79 years.

“We have supported each other through sad and happy times, as well as hardships and success.”

Morris also added that although they are from completely different backgrounds with different interests, they always found common ground to be able to enjoy each other’s company and to help each other.

Webberspiel was a ballroom dance championship runner-up and subsequently became a ballroom and Latin dance teacher. She also started her own business and did an enormous amount of charity work.

Morris went into academia and politics and, amazingly, at the age of 71, acquired a master’s degree.

These two were such close friends that people who knew them thought they were blood-related.

Webberspiel said, “Even though we now live in different provinces, our friendship is stronger and closer than ever. We wish many people, whether in friendship or marriage, such an incredible understanding and bond.”

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